Jack Daniel's Whiskey Simple Syrup Recipe
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Jack Daniel's Whiskey Simple Syrup Recipe

If you like the taste that whiskey gives to your desserts, but don't know how much others will enjoy it (assuming you're planning on sharing), make a batch of this Jack Daniel's Whiskey Simple Syrup. This way you can brush the simple syrup on a portion of your desserts, designating these "special" treats for those Whiskey lovers (and adults). This simple syrup is easy to make, and keeps in the fridge for a few weeks.

Before You Get Started Making Jack Daniel's Whiskey Simple Syrup

Measure/Weigh all the ingredients
Get a squeeze bottle or container to hold your simple syrup

Jack Daniel's Whiskey Simple Syrup Ingredients & Amounts

1 cup (237g) water
1 cup (200g) granulated sugar
1/4 cup (55g) Jack Daniel's Whiskey

Jack Daniels Whiskey Simple Syrup Step-By-Step Directions

1) In a small saucepan, combine water and sugar.

2) Heat over medium heat until the sugar is dissolved, mixing occasionally.

3) Once the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is warm, remove from the heat and add in the whiskey.

4) Let your simple syrup cool. Once cool, you can transfer it into a squeeze bottle or container. You can use immediately or store in refrigerator.

Jack Daniels Whiskey SImple Syrup Sweet Notes

If you are using your simple syrup on baked goods, some like to store it in plastic squeeze bottles for easy squeezing onto the cake
We prefer to add our simple syrup with a pastry brush. We store our simple syrup in a mason jar, using our pastry brush to add a thin layer of syrup to our cake
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