Felt Hearts
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Although diamonds are a girls best friend, when we think of love, we think of hearts...lots of hearts. Hearts on sticks, hearts on a string, hearts of all colors. Ok, we went a little heart crazy, but it worked for this Experience. And when we saw this tutorial, we were smitten. We bought our felt and got to sewing. You don't need to be a sewing expert to complete this project, just have a little time on your hands to get them done. If you have never picked up a sewing needle and thread, check out YouTube for a quick tutorial. You'll be sewing up some hearts in no time.
For The Hearts Experience
Felt Hearts
Used For The Felt Hearts
Find your preferred colors
Choose your preferred colors
For easy cutting
Don't even have to know how to sew
For fluffy hearts
Cut to size
For gluing
For The Felt Hearts
Always make sure to have extra supplies on hand. In this case it's good to have extra felt and embroidery floss
Here's the heart template we used for our felt hearts
Ideas For The Felt Hearts
We cut the wooden dowels to the length of our choice, filling up mason jars with regular granulated sugar for an extra special touch
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